Brian Apprille is down 153 lbs from Super Morbidly Obese, an overrated super power he blames solely on Homer Simpson. Brian jokes about the endless circle of Pictionary, Dr. Evil's relation to Snape, and a one-time taekwondo class.
Up Next in Season 6
The Favorite
Glen Tickle apologizes for his last name, explains the things only professional comedians have time for, and tells all the stories he's only allowed to tell on stage.
Chicken Gone
On the “Bowl Diet” and deciding which chin to put his chin strap on, Brandon Young has 1000 words for any picture, a burned copy of the anti piracy commercial, and a shadow that sets off automatic doors.
I've Got a Little Surprise for Ya
From Wisconsin, where people speak backwards, Kathleen Dunbar comes to Dry Bar with a wake up call for anyone 20 and younger, a warning for bra-dialers, and more than a few tips on how to deal with “little demon pig people.”