Darren Carter starts the party with a mix of beatboxing, sound effects, and comedy, covering thermostat disputes, corn mazes, and the shame of late night Taco Bell.
Mixing crowd work, polished material, and accents, Rob O'Reilly creates a comedy show like no other, featuring Middle Earth tattoos and puppy potty training.
Witness Will C's incredible, inspirational, and hilarious life story, from serving in three separate branches of the military to filming a music video with Kanye West.
Jonny Loquasto quit his job as a physical therapist to pursue stand-up comedy, and boy, are we grateful. In his Dry Bar debut, Johnny shares about his life as a "step dude", pet chihuahua, and brief stint as a Chili's employee.
Fifty-one-years-old and freshly a father, Brian Bates tells the story of his late in life baby, supporting poorly named sports teams, and the challenge of cancelling a newspaper subscription.
Witness the undeniable charisma of Mike Jones as he relates real life experiences of gendered shower habits, left lane users, and bad breathed friends.
Jeff Allen's third special is another smash-hit, chronicling his relationships with his empty-nester wife, house-mate father-in-law, and sixty-seven-year-old body.